Website: Convergence Symposium V.2 Where the Arts and Social Action Converge
Our purpose in organizing this symposium is to create a space for exploration of possibilities for using the arts for social action. We define social action as being an action that leads to any of the following: healing, education, community building, and/or community action. The spirit of this undertaking is one of exploration, collaboration, encouragement, urgency in action with the underlying principle being love.
The Convergence Symposium is in honor and memory of Moya Moye. Moya was murdered in New Orleans in February 2018. A Baha'i, a leader in the Black Lives Matters movement, an artist and a mentor to many children and youth, his death broke the hearts of countless people. This gathering in his memory is meant to lift the hearts of those who knew him, lead to action in our communities, provide a space for collaboration and create a unified community of world changers.
This project is made possible through funding from the Florence Regional Arts Alliance's Quarterly Grants Program, which is funded in part by a generous award from the South Carolina Arts Commission and due to the local support of Honda of South Carolina and Mosaic Clothing, LLC.
1:00 Welcome
1:15 Celebration of Moya's Life
1:45 Strategic Self Care & Social Justice: Healing through the Arts
2:45 Break
3:00 Who are we without our “colonized” suit?
4:15 Finish Up-See you at 8pm for the party!
7:00 OPTIONAL: Group Reflection Space
8:00 Virtual Party
1:00 Praise, Protest, and Purpose
2:00 Break
2:15 Beautiful Dances of Defiance: Ancestors Speak Through Afro-Latin Movement
3:15 Break
3:30 Let's Talk About the Legacy of Race in America
4:30 Finish Up-See you at 8pm for the party!
7:00 OPTIONAL: Group Reflection Space
8:00 Virtual Party
1:00 Musical & Dance Journey to Cape Verde
2:00 Break
2:15 Collective Artistic Reflections
3:15 Break
3:30 Collaborative Writing & Follow Up Schedule
4:30 Reflection and Feedback
5:00 Finish up